♪♫ Unravel the Music... ♪♫
When I write, it's rarely in silence. I need music to evoke the mood or emotion I'm trying to portray. I choose songs not only for their beat and mood, but for the lyrics. Below is a spotify player for any of you who are on FaceBook. Those who aren't can listen to the playlist HERE on YouTube.
Spotify (login via FaceBook)
Song titles and scenes they inspired:
Alyssa to her mom after learning the secrets she's kept
19. Prove You Wrong by Crossfade
Morpheus to Alyssa
19. Prove You Wrong by Crossfade
Morpheus to Alyssa
20. Broken by Amy Lee and Seether
Alyssa’s Dad and Mom to each other
21. Fire in My Eyes by Firelight by Fireflight
Alyssa embracing her powers at school
22. I Feel You by Depeche Mode
Al and Jeb in the art studio
23. The High Road by Three Days Grace
Morpheus to Alyssa
24. Torn to Pieces by Pop Evil
Jeb to Al
25. Ultranumb by Blue Stahli
The final battle
26. Come Back to Me by Les Friction
Alyssa after the smoke clears
27. Bring Back her Head by Angelica
Alyssa embracing the madness within
28. Acceptance by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
Alyssa at book’s end